By The Bug: Coping With The Seven Year Itch  |
by Richard
Associate Editor
Beginner Bikes Magazine
writer's motorcycle gene was triggered in college, during which
the activation of said gene was from riding a Puch moped around
town, which naturally fed a yearning for something that could better
keep up with city traffic.
Wanting a 250 Rebel during the entire high school and college experience,
I ventured forth into a Honda dealer to check them out first-hand
in 1990. Much to my dismay they were no longer in production, but
there was a used model available while I was there at a very nice
price (and they were a mere and still nice $1595 back when they
were new...). Well my roaming eyes met with a pair of left-over
89 VT-600 Shadows on the showroom floor, one burgandy and the other
blue. After throwing aleg over the burgandy one I was head over
heels and all ga-ga (that is a scientific term, look it up!) over
the 600 Shadow.
That was the bike I decided that all others would have to stack
up to for me to buy. I repeated this exercise over the next five
years with everything else that was available in cruiserdom: the
Sportsters, the 500 and 750 Vulcans, the 800 Intruder, and the 535
& 750 Virago, and each "fitting" was followed by a
return trip to the Honda dealer. The 600 Shadow just caught my attention
with both stance and style.
1995 almost netted me a beautiful showroom custom model VLX with
a $5,799 sticker, featuring purple and white factory paint, white
upholstered seat with matching white Hondaline backrest, and white
fringed leather saddlebags. Two color-matched HJC 3/4 helmets would
be made available upon purchase for another $200. This bike screamed
chick magnet...but alas the timing was off as I had recently married
and just moved into my then-new home so finances were a bit tight.
years later my financial situation was looking really good, and
after a friend of mine bought his dream bike (a CBR-1000) my aspirations
were rolling once again. I returned to the Honda dealership (and
the sales associates eyes literally said "oh no, not him again")
and I spied the 97 models arranged in a neat row. At the front of
the row was a black and yellow VLX Deluxe. I looked at it. I sat
on it. I got off and looked at it again. I asked the sales associate
for a brochure (again). I took the brochure home and studied the
pic of a black and yellow VLX well into the night.
didn't sleep much that night. After work the next day I had my
friend accompany me to the dealership. I told him I intended to
buy that bike, although he thought I was just another victim of
newbie hype going through the motions that so many do yet rarely
pursue. The sales associate saw me and said "Twice in two
days, you must really be serious this time." Once again I
ventured to that first bike in the neatly arranged row. I looked
at it. I sat on it. I got off and looked at it again.
The words slowly rolled out of my mouth, barely audible it seemed:
"I want it." "yeah, right..." my friend mutters.
I looked at the sales associate and said it clearly this time:
"I want it. I'll take it." At this point I wasn't sure
who was more astonished, my friend or the sales associate who
had seen that wild-eyed kid come and go all these years.
"Well," the sales associate said, "I have some
good news and some bad news." Everything froze in time like
a VCR set on pause (this was 1997 mind you, before DVD). He continued
after what seemed like an eternity. "That one has already
been sold, yesterday in fact." My heart sank as I looked
over at the other VLX available, in red and white. Nice, but I
really didn't care much for the official colors of Coca-Cola on
my motorcyle, at least not after seeing that black and yellow
that screamed ROCK & ROLL!
"But the good news is I can order another one for you and
have it here in about a week or so. I'll even give you a fair
shake on the deal too." Naturally I asked what was required
of me. After discussing payment options I elected to charge it
to one of my credit cards as it offered me a better rate than
what they could finance it for. I charged a $500 deposit just
for goodwill even though I didn't have to.
On May 27th 1997 I recieved a phone call notifying me that my
package had arrived. I called my friend to meet me there, as he
was licensed and I couldn't get it home. He was pretty stoked
about the whole thing, not quite as much as I was though. He was
stoked because he'd never ridden a brand new bike before. Which
made for two of us...
And that is how it all began for me. The end of that seven year
itch. |