Spinning Wheels: October 2003  |
by Adam
Associate Editor
Beginner Bikes Magazine
"Trust The Lean" Gets Schooled  |
You may
have heard me offering my favorite piece of advice to Beginnerbikers
in the New Rider Forum: trust the lean. I guess I also say things
like "turn your head," "watch your entry speed when
cornering," and "increase or at least maintain your throttle
going through turns." You might also hear things like, "that
new FZ6 makes me drool" and "you're not a poser just because
you want to wear stylin' safety gear," but let's focus on the
whole "trust the lean" thing.
To me, trusting
your lean angle is part of the fun of motorcycling. We all have
to lean our machines to turn them. Beginnerbikers have a tendency
to fear the lean when they're just starting out. Makes sense.
You're on top of a heavy metal machine which is basically an engine
with two-wheels and a seat. When something heavy with only two
wheels leans to one side, gravity demands that it falls over,
unless the kickstand is down. Physical Science 101. For the brave
souls who choose to actually sit down, start the engine, and RIDE
their favorite new toys out into the world, the lean is essential.
The lean is something to be mastered. Enjoyed. This Beginnerbiker
craves the lean.
Maybe I should
say "Crave the Lean." I'll get back to you on that.
There are
a number of scientific rules that apply to the art of the lean.
Laws of motion, gravity, geometry, kinetics, etc. Let's not go
there. I don't know about you, but I've forgotten most of my analytic
geometry. Let's just say that the forward motion of your motorcycle
in combination with the torque you create by increasing or maintaining
your speed and the weight of the bike and rider together make
it unlikely that you would ever kick out your rear wheel under
normal riding conditions (what are normal conditions, you ask?
Dry pavement with little or no debris such as gravel, sand, wet
leaves, or packs of lemmings scurrying to and fro) as you lean
through a turn. You're just not going to do it. You will scrape
your floorboards first. You will fire off sparks first. You'll
polish your teeth with asphalt first. All of the major deities
will come down from their respective heavens and cheer you on
You've seen
those racer people in pictures on the 'Net. They're literally
hanging off their bikes leaning into turns going what Mel Brooks
refers to as "Ludicrous Speed." They wear thick, plastic
protectors on their knees so they don't need a skin graft every
race. You're probably not going to go practically horizontal like
those racer folk. MSF Instructor and fellow Beginnerbikes.com
Team Member Darwin has even said, "you just don't need to
do that during street-riding." I don't think I've ever seen
anyone do that in real life on the highway. I've seen some insane
sportbikers get really, really close, riding unsafely through
metropolitan traffic like they were fleeing for their lives, but
we're Beginnerbikers. We don't do that. Right? Right.
for this one time the other day when I got really close and Mr.
Trust the Lean got schooled.
Picture if
you will an off-ramp on a major interstate highway. Westbound
US-94 has an excellent 25mph swooping off-ramp that takes you
onto westbound SR-394. If you're lucky and it's the right time
of day, you can take that ramp into the multiple passenger/motorcycle
commuter lane and zip past all the sad people stuck in rush hour
traffic going home where they sit and cry because they don't have
a motorcycle. This turn takes some skill because you're going
from 55mph+ to 25 and back in a very short stretch. Usually, you're
going with the flow of traffic which is more like 75mph to 40
and back. The turn takes focus and concentration. It's a motorcyclists'
dream turn.
Now picture
Whizbang on his Yamaha-blue YZF600R making a quick but safe lane
change into a prime entry position for the off-ramp. Smiling to
himself about the smoothness of his lane change execution, he
fails to slow down. Hey, I'm a Beginnerbiker after all - one-year
veteran or not. In the space of about 0.5 seconds his eyes bug
out and he does a Linda Blair head turn and presses into a lean
to the left. It's not enough. He's going wide. More press. More
lean. Still not enough. That guard rail is getting closer. More
lean. More panic. Still not enough. Extreme situations require
extreme measures, so Whizbang goes for the gold. I'm telling you,
I looked like this:

I flew through
that turn at close to 65mph, unintentionally. Nevertheless, I
came out on the other side, heart racing like a 1000cc R1, and
continued on safely.
Because I
looked, I leaned, and I rolled. I got a taste of my own medicine
and personally illustrated why the MSF knows what they're talking
about. "He talks a good game, but can he play?" The
answer is yes. And so can you. I'm NOT suggesting that you take
your corners at Ludicrous Speed to learn about the lean. What
I'm saying is that you will be shocked and amazed at how much
lean you and your motorcycle will endure. Don't be afraid to push
that thing over to get you around a corner. Our new favorite toys
are built to do this. My advice: when you practice your turns,
do exactly as the MSF says.
If you're
doing it right, it'll feel a little weird, but your turns will
be beautiful. Each time you lean a little more, you'll rarely
go back to your earlier, tentative leans. Your body remembers
what it feels like and will do it again. Trust it. Trust yourself.
Trust your bike.
Trust the
That's it
for this month. For those of you that can continue riding and
practicing into the cooler temperatures of the fall, keep it up!
For those of you for whom the temps are already getting too cold
to ride…buck up, you wimps! RIDE COLD! Don't give up the
fight! Ride until chilly motorcyclists in their cages flash you
the "way to go" thumbs up from behind the wheel. I plan
to ride until frozen snot seals up my breathing passages and I
have to stop frequently and chip it away with a small nasal ice
Don't they
sell those on the Motorcycle
Superstore website?