Spinning Wheels: December 2003  |
by Adam
Associate Editor
Beginner Bikes Magazine
X-Rated Head  |
in the process of buying a motorcycle helmet you might hear, "well,
how much is your head worth?" Though usually considered a
rhetorical question used by helmet sellers to encourage you to
buy higher end products, I thought I'd add it up. Taking into
consideration the costs of my glasses and eye care, youthful orthodontia,
yearly facial skin and hair products, the education which though
deteriorating by the minute is in my head, and all the money I've
made as a professional actor who relies on his head to get work
- I'd say it's somewhere around $676,516.87, give or take a few
thousand dollars, the value of my presence on the Earth as a force
of good or evil (depending on the day), and my immortal soul.
Since we all know that the human head weighs about 12lbs, that's
roughly $56,376.41 per pound. I'm sure this will be wildly different
for everyone - depending on how straight your teeth were at birth,
your daily hygiene regimen, and how much beer you've drank since
you were old enough to know better - but you get the point.
not here to debate the pros and cons of helmet wearing. While
it's the choice of the rider in some states, to me there is no
choice. You wouldn't scuba dive without your extra regulator,
skydive without your back-up chute, or go curling without your
curling broom. It's one of your most important pieces of gear
next to your brain. Literally. Instead I'm gonna to assume you'd
like to hear about buying a second helmet. A radical assumption
perhaps, but you're most likely a Beginnerbiker so I'm assuming
you're totally rad yourself.
just typed "totally rad." 80's kid.
buying my first full-face helmet I listened to the wise folk here
on Beginnerbikes.com as well as my new friends at Midwest Cycle
Supply, my favorite motorcycle shop in Minneapolis, as you should
know by now since you read Spinning Wheels religiously, memorizing
various passages as you go along. Based on fit, price, and the
fact that my tattoo artist had one, I wound up with a medium HJC
CL-12, a mid range DOT/Snell approved lid that cost me around
$135 on sale in August 2002.
fit snugly making my face look like a Campbell soup kid, as well
it should, but has since loosened up so much that if I hold the
helmet in place and turn my head there's what I would consider
an unreasonable amount of play. Since the cheek pads are not replaceable,
there's nothing I can do to improve it's fit aside from stuffing
kiwis in my cheeks. In addition, there are cracks in the rubber
molding around the visor and the plastic around the bottom edge,
the sliding door on the front vent is broken after a year of normal
use, and the visor flies up if I turn my head over 65mph, scaring
the crap out of me with a sudden blast of air. Though the visor
assembly can be replaced, I've gotta say I'm not real thrilled
with this helmet's overall durability. The sad thing is that I've
heard that the CL-14, the model which replaced the CL-12 last
year, is actually of even lesser quality due to the movement of
their manufacturing facilities to China. I ride almost daily so
I need a helmet that's going to last and can be upgraded. Something
lightweight with a better fit, better cooling and anti-fogging
ventilation which is a big cold-riding problem for me, and a replaceable
liner and cheek pads. For me it was already time to go helmet
shopping again. I was torn between "aw crap" and "oh
you can't go wrong with Arai or Shoei. They both make truly high
quality products," said one of the guys at MCS. I knew it.
You've heard it all your life but you do, in fact, get what you
pay for. After trying on a number of Arai lids I realized that
no one that works for them has a Polish nose like mine. My potent
proboscis smashes up against nearly all of their chin guards and
gets tangled in their breath guards. Arai was out. Bummer. On
to Shoei's TZ-1. First thing I noticed was that Shoei's idea of
medium was completely different than HJC's. The small fit me better.
I learned that many helmet manufacturers only change the fit of
the lining and pads rather than the actual shell sizes. Shoei
works from the outside in with a different shell size for S, M,
and L. No surprises there. The TZ-1 had a great fit all around,
but had the fewest features: a non-replaceable liner and no rear
venting. It was Shoei's version of the CL-12. Nah.
up, the RF-1000, the new version of the venerable RF-900, which
was their reasonably priced best-selling mid range lid, but had
non-replaceable liners as well. The new RF-1000 is an egg-shaped
tour de force with all kinds of vents, removable cheek pads, and
a weird flippy fin thingy coming off the back of the shell. Cool.
"It's supposed to have better venting than the 900,"
said the smart guy behind the counter. I flip-flopped my CL-12
with the 1000 a few times and noticed how much lighter this thing
was. Niiiiiiiiice. Unfortunately, I was having trouble getting
the right fit between the S and the M. The S was for people with
no ears apparently, and the M was for people with ears the size
of avocados. (I have no idea what the deal is with fruits and
vegetables and helmets in this article. I'm just gonna run with
it). So I moved onto the Z-Two. Ah, now there's a helmet. Simple.
Understated. Smooth. Replaceable liners and pads. I knew this
was it. Not cheap, but we knew going in the new lid would be about
quality. I tried it on and alas, my Polish sausage of a nose was
an issue once again. Not as bad as the Arai's, but do I want to
spend this much money for something that fits only OK? Maybe after
the pads start to break in-
you tried the X-Eleven?"
froze. The X-Eleven. The top. The most. The flagship helmet in
the Shoei line. I hadn't even considered it. Can you say MSRP
$559.99? Great Scott! What, was it made of gold? Was I worthy?
I'm not a well-sponsored racer. I'm a 1.34-year Beginnerbiker!
I could buy a leather suit for that! I could buy a cheap Japanese
Fender Stratocaster knock-off for that! I could buy 0.68lbs more
of my own head for that! Then the smart man spoke up again. "It's
the best helmet out there. I think Shoei's got Arai beat with
their high end stuff. It's the lightest, best ventilated, best
fitting helmet with a completely replaceable lining. I'm getting
one next spring."
you race?" I asked with a dash of skepticism.
But think about it this way: do you want to keep buying a new
$150 mediocre helmet every year and half or so, or do you want
to buy one kick ass helmet that will ride like a dream and last
for 4 years or more?"
try it on the road?" I nodded. "Medium or small?"
try to wear the smallest one that I can fit my head into to make
sure it doesn't move around at all." He handed me a metallic
yellow S. Aha! They ARE made of gold. It was so light, I had to
hang onto it to keep it from floating away. I raised it over my
head. I pulled it down. The pads slid softly buy tightly over
my face. My ears snapped into place. My nose…fit! Though
restricted by my appropriately squished cheeks, a smile crept
across my face.
how long will the visor mechanics last? With my last helmet, when
I got over 65mph, it would flip up. I don't want that to happ-"
He flipped the visor down with a slap and then clicked something
on the left side of my head.
has a locking mechanism for just that problem. But I'm telling
you, you're never going to need it. It's a Shoei. Now go ride."
anti-fogging vents which actually keep the breath off of the inside
of your visor at even 15mph. Venting I could actually feel. A
removable chin screen to keep the air from hitting your neck and
chin. Best of all, it was so lightweight I could barely tell it
was on when I did head checks. It sliced through the wind. THIS
was what motorcycling was all about. I blazed back to the shop.
it's amazing, but it's five-hundred fifty-"
plus tax." My head turned to the side like a dog that just
heard something really high pitched. "We were just at the
big motorsports show downtown yesterday. Show price."
But I want a black one."
Whizbang bought an X-Eleven. You're probably going, "goody
for you. What's the point, Whiz?" I don't mean to suggest
that everyone should only buy a top of the line helmet. No no.
Instead, as with home computers, I'm suggesting you buy the most
of what you can afford. The better your gear works for you, the
better your riding experience. Buy what fits you best. Buy what
you need for your style of riding. Do you ride around town on
a cruiser? Do you tour? Do you sport ride? Think about how often
you ride. Take your time and choose wisely. Don't buy a lid off
of the Internet before trying on that exact model in person in
a store. Shoei has an excellent helmet selection guide on their
website that applies to buying any brand of helmet, and it sure
helped me while I was in the store. Go there and check it out.
fat squirrel that just went by my window told me it's cold and
icy outside, so I won't be riding today, but perhaps you are -
unless you're in New England. I hear you folks are getting blasted
with snow. Sucks. My Vulcan is now fast asleep, but my new X-Eleven
and I were tearing up the highway two days ago on the YZF. Heated
clothing, ladies and gentlemen. Go get ye some. Winter is just
getting started.